
Ziplining to ATVs: Kauai is for adventurers

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HANAMAULU, Hawaii--You've signed the release forms, cinched yourself into a full-body harness, strapped on the tactical helmet and jostled out to the rugged Kauai jungle in the back of a six-wheeled, all-terrain Pinzgauer.

You've mounted the platform, peered down your chest to watch the guide snap your tandem pulley to the cable, heard the click of metal as the carabiner marries your harness to the pulley.

You note that the cable you'll be riding is no bigger around than your thumb and stretches to the vanishing point. A wide river valley, 200 feet deep, yawns at your feet.

It's time. Time to take that heart-stopping step into the thin air between you and the river, and in the next instant bless the solid tug that means the rigging has caught your fall and is zipping you at 30 or 35 mph, 940 feet across the void to the other side.




And when you're done with that, thrill to the wind on your face, the hollow-metal hum of your pulley racing along the cable, your oneness with the sky -- this is how birds must feel! -- and, in the distance, a view of foliage-draped, cloud-capped Mt. Waialeale that no scenic overlook can match.

Just as you're starting to like all of this, you come in for a landing on the opposite platform, into the care of another guide who unhooks you and directs you to the next run.

You're ziplining, Kauai style.

Don't fret. If the fledgling sport of ziplining is too far out of your comfort zone, this 555-square-mile Hawaiian island offers plenty of other active pursuits. In fact, Kauai might just be the world's greatest adventure island.

The roll call? River and sea kayaking, mountain hiking, downhill and coastal biking, snorkeling from ship or shore, climbing walls, waterfall swims, helicopter flights, ATV outings, Zodiac expeditions, catamaran sails, surfing and horseback riding.

For some Kauai outings, all you need are a sturdy pair of hiking boots and a good trail map, or snorkel gear and some local advice, or the inclination to rent a bicycle or a surfboard and just see where they take you.

But for more extreme adventures, you need to call in the troops, who not only have the equipment, the expertise and the facilities to get you going but also know how to pack a serious picnic. Even better, many of these small-group expeditions combine other types of activities with the main attraction -- ziplining and a challenge course, for instance, horseback riding and waterfall swims -- for a multifaceted adventure.

Just one thing before we get started: It rains a lot on Kauai, more than 400 inches a year in some places, which is why the place is so lush. It's not nicknamed the Garden Isle for nothing. Rain is normal. Rain is good. Consequently, tours go out rain or shine. However, local conditions can change hour to hour, and as a result some activities such as waterfall swims are never guaranteed; it might be too dangerous. Trips are canceled/rescheduled only when the weather overall is deemed hazardous.


Basically, you're jumping off a cliff without a parachute. Great for confronting trust/fear issues -- even ones you didn't know you had -- and finally satisfying your flight fantasies. Enjoy the bird-on-the-wing views.

Four companies on Kauai offer zipline runs combined with other activities such as swinging bridges or waterfall swims. Each outfitter will take you into its own little slice of Kauai's backcountry, which is a treat in itself. And for those less daring souls who find themselves traveling in the company of more radical thrill seekers, some of these outfitters allow you to bow out of the zipping.

Don't think this is just for the young'uns. When I went, the only people in the 18-34 demographic were the group's two guides. The age of participants on my tour ranged from upper-30s to upper-60s.

They provide: trained guides, all necessary equipment.

Safety check: All zipline courses operate under the standards of the Association for Challenge Course Technology.

You must: meet minimum age restrictions; meet minimum and maximum height and weight requirements; wear sturdy, close-toed shoes with tread (no clogs or slip-ons); dress for the harness in T-shirt and long shorts or full-length pants; tie your hair back if it's long enough to get in your eyes.

Optional: wearing a swimsuit under your clothing; packing a rain poncho.

You bring: water, sunscreen, insect repellent, camera, towel.

Duration: 3 to 4 1/2 hours, depending on the outfitter.

Prices: $99-$175.

Forget it if: you're pregnant or have had recent injury or surgery to feet, ankles, knees, hips or back.
