
Too hard on ATVs

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Roy Schweiker, Concord
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For the Monitor


April 03, 2008 - 12:00 am

I am surprised that the Monitor would come down so hard on ATV riders, unlike all the other energy-wasting sports and philosophies its editors support ("State's role shouldn't be to promote ATVs," Monitor editorial, March 21).

Careful ATV use is probably no harder on the environment than downhill skiing or motorboating, which receive substantial state promotion.

Of course illegal and inconsiderate ATV use can cause severe damage, which is why it is important for the state to designate appropriate places since the typical rider is not a soil scientist. Then legal riders would have an appropriate place to go, and illegal riders could face severe penalties including paying for restoration or even having their machines confiscated as are vehicles used in illegal hunting.

The Monitor's suggestion that license fees paid for trail use should revert to the general fund if state officials don't spend them promptly is mean-spirited. I can't think of any other way to describe it. Why should this be different from highways, hunting, etc., in which the funds are segregated but the Legislature must approve actual expenditures?

Lest you think I'm an avid ATVer, I personally think ATVs are loud and smelly and it wouldn't affect me if they were banned. To be fair, just ban the loud and smelly motorboats and ski lifts too.
