
ATVs damage road ditches

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When driving some of the outskirts of Bismarck recently, it was hard not to notice how some of the right-of-way ditches are becoming so rutted by ATV and motorcycle traffic.

If or when we do get some decent rainfall, water is going to erode a lot of these beaten-down trails into gulleys that will need repair, which I'm sure most government bodies don't have budgets for. When it becomes absolutely necessary, the money will come from us, the taxpayers.

Beside being unsightly, unsafe, and creating erosion problems and silt runoff, a highway maintenance tractor mowing grass is going to drop its wheels in one of these ruts some day and the tractor will roll if it's already on a slope.

Maybe the sales of ATVs and license fees need to include a fee to repair the damage they cause. Lawmakers need to come to a decision on this increasing problem.
